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Kamo Mitsue


Kamo Mitsue



Named "Mitsue," which signifies being fulfilled in clothing, food, and shelter, I've lived a life true to that name.

The fact that my profile picture features me in a kimono might seem a bit shy, but it's an introduction to my side as a kimono model and an ambassador for Kaga Yuzen, among other traditional Japanese clothing roles. (^^)

For insights into my preferences about living spaces, I'd be delighted if you'd consider the message below.

Regarding food, even my 8-year-old son tries to sway my heart by offering me "mochi" (rice cake), hinting at the impression that I love eating, especially traditional Japanese sweets. (laughs)

Having journeyed through various professions from a design company, a major urban bank, a pharmaceutical company to a cosmetics manufacturer, all through referrals, I've now found my place at RE/MAX. Though my background isn't solely in real estate, I will use my life experiences to support all of you. (^^)


As a child, my bible was a book on "Feng Shui". (^^)

The dishes we use daily, the food we eat, and the colors we choose can change our lives. It was a fascinating world for me.

Beginning with cities known for Feng Shui like Nara and Kyoto, my respect for Feng Shui, which has been used in city planning, grew over time. When I got my first custom-built house, I incorporated a wealth of knowledge on "home Feng Shui" into it. ♪

Speaking of Feng Shui, "yellow items in the west" is a famous phrase. However, above all, I now believe that it's essential to feel comfortable in one's space.

My collection started with dishes I've gathered since I was 15, and now, everything in my house, including furniture, are things I love.

My current residence, though an older apartment, has a western-inspired exterior design that I fell in love with and perfectly suits my preference for creating a favorite space.

I sit in a spot where I can gaze at the lush plants grown on the balcony, sipping tea or doing desk work. Just that alone makes me feel incredibly luxurious every day.

I hope to assist all those connected with me in creating their environments, being empathetic to everyone's individual housing preferences, and helping craft a fulfilling everyday life. (^^)

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