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Akihiro Otobe


Akihiro Otobe


Utilizing my qualifications as an end-of-life planning support advisor, I offer one-stop services for not only real estate brokerage and sales, but also senior home move-in consultations, identity guarantees, inheritance, pensions, funerals, memorial services, and grave consultations – all the aspects needed for "end-of-life planning." Please feel free to contact me for a consultation.


・Born on April 17, 1979, in Chiba City
・Graduated from Meiji University, Faculty of Business Administration, Department of Business Administration
・Joined Keihan Electric Railway Co., Ltd. in 2007, assigned to the Railway Operations Division, responsible for safe operation management roles such as conductor and driver for 10 years
・Studied aviation in Seattle, USA, in 2018
・After returning to Japan, started a business in home renovation and air conditioner cleaning


Welfare Living Environment Coordinator Level 2
End-of-Life Planning Support Advisor

Hobby-related Qualifications

Private Pilot License (Helicopter)
Powered Vehicle Operator's License (Train)

Personal Motto" or "Favorite Maxim

Successful people all follow the principle of 'Start before you're ready and proceed simultaneously!


While the phrase "start before you're ready and proceed simultaneously" may not have the best image, adopting a "figure it out as you go" approach enables flexible responses. I strongly felt this during my study abroad experience in the United States.In the US, you can obtain a driver's license from the age of 14, with parents or acquaintances as instructors. You can also get a helicopter license from the age of 16. After 20 hours of hands-on training, you can take the exam. There have even been cases of high school students who passed the exam and commuted to school by helicopter, which was reported in the newspaper (laughs). "If there's an issue, just fix it as you go." This is the stance of the United States, the world's largest economy. If you think too much before doing something, you risk never getting anything done.Of course, responsibility comes with this approach, but I believe in starting and working together with clients to solve problems one by one. As an agent, I want to be useful in this way. I will fully support you not only in real estate but also as an end-of-life planning support advisor.

Please contact

+81-6-6867-9180Reception hours (weekdays)9:00 〜 18:00Contact us by e-mail

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